This website uses cookies. The LSSI requires those responsible for websites to inform and request the user’s consent to use cookies, although not all cookies require the user’s consent to be used. The purpose of this website is to provide you with information about the use of cookies on this site, so that you can give your consent to the use of cookies with information about it.
How will we ask for your consent to use cookies on our site?
La primera vez que accedes a nuestro sitio web vas a ver un banner o una especie de anuncio con un texto que dice: «Este sitio web utiliza cookies. Si continuas navegando entendemos que aceptas su uso (pulsar botón «de acuerdo»). Más información acerca de cookies.» A partir de ese momento tú decides si quieres seguir navegando por nuestro sitio o si prefieres salir porque no quieres cookies.
¿Qué son las cookies?
Cookies are small files that websites you visit send to and store on your computer. Cookies are stored in the file directory of your browser.
What are cookies used for?
Cookies are used to personalize and facilitate the User’s navigation as much as possible. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous User and his/her computer and do not provide references that allow the User’s personal data to be deduced.
Are cookies dangerous?
Las cookies son pequeñas piezas de texto. No son programas informáticos que puedan ejecutarse como código. Este es un ejemplo del contenido de una típica cookie:
HMP1 1 0 1715191808 32107852 1236821008 29449527 * El código solo tiene sentido para Microsoft’s MSN Hotmail servers. Las cookies no pueden utilizarse para propagar virus. Las cookies se almacenan en el disco del ordenador y no pueden leer otra información grabada en el disco duro. Además los navegadores web ofrecen a los usuarios herramientas para controlar el uso de las cookies.
¿Qué tipos de cookies se utilizan normalmente?
Podemos hacer diferentes clasificaciones de las cookies que se utilizan
1.-From the point of view of user consent, we can classify them: Strictly necessary cookies, which do not require user consent These are cookies used for one of the following purposes: Only to allow communication between the user’s computer and the network. Strictly to provide a service expressly requested by the user. In this sense, the Article 29 Working Group in its Opinion 4/20123 has interpreted that among the excepted cookies would be those whose purpose is:
User input cookies Authentication or user identification cookies (session only) User security cookies Multimedia player session cookies Load balancing session cookies User interface customization cookies Plug-in cookies for sharing social content Cookies that require user consent These are the other cookies not included in the previous section
2.- From the point of view of the purpose for which they are used: Technical cookies Personalization cookies Analysis cookies Advertising cookies Behavioral advertising cookies
3.-Depending on the time they remain active on the user’s computer Session cookies Persistent cookies
4.-Depending on the entity that manages them Own cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided. Third-party cookies: These are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies. In the event that the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies.
¿Qué tipo de cookies utiliza este sitio web?
Este sitio web utiliza: Cookies Técnicas estrictamente necesarias para el funcionamiento adecuado de nuestro sitio web. Por ejemplo las cookies necesarias para el registro de usuarios, para gestionar el carrito de la compra Cookies de WordPress para facilitar la navegación del usuario por nuestro sitio web Cookies de Paypal para gestionar el pago de los pedidos Cookies sociales necesarias para redes sociales externas Cookies de análisis. Son las cookies relacionadas con Google Analytics.
More information about Google Analytics cookies< /a>
How can cookies be managed/blocked in browsers?
All browsers allow you to manage privacy and the use of cookies, even allowing you to block the use of cookies. We attach links with information for different types of browsers Google Chrome Firefox Internet Explorer Safari Google has developed a Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on that you can access at the following link:
More information about cookies
AEPD guide on the use of cookies publications/common/Guias/Guia_Cookies.pdf A website with a lot of information about cookies is: